
托福【模拟测试-5】-2017服务一体化 Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. After the Civil War, America went through a period of time filled with suffrage but also some good changes.

American Realism
It would be reasonable to assume that the years following the Civil War were a time of healing and rebuilding. And for the most part, that is what they were, albeit a very long and painful one. While the healing of the rift between North and South did make progress, all was not peaceful and the disharmony wasn't confined to the political arena. In literary circles too, the period was characterized by upheaval and turmoil. A literary civil war of sorts was raging between the camps of the Romantics and the Realists. Later, the Naturalists would join the fray as well. This was a battle waged over the ways fictional characters were presented in relation to their external world. Though the unrest might have been between schools of fiction, it had a very real basis. The battle reflected far-reaching social change that was planting the seeds of new discord- a conflict that would threaten to fragment the country; this time not along geographical borders, but along class lines.

Using plot and character development, a writer expressed his or her philosophy about how much control a man really had over his own destiny. Romantic writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson celebrated what they saw as the ability of the human will to triumph over any adversity. Occupying the middle ground were authors like Mark Twain, William Dean Howells, and Henry James, all of whom were influenced by the works of the early European Realists. It was their belief that people had only a limited capacity to determine the direction their lives took; that humanity's freedom of choice was constrained by the power of external forces. Diametrically opposed to the Romantic authors were the Naturalists - the likes of Stephen Crane and Frank Norris, who lined up on the side of Emile Zola and the Determinism movement. Their writings gave voice to the view that individuals have no choice whatsoever in what happens to them. It was their position that the path of one's life was dictated wholly by a conspiracy between hereditary factors and the external environment.

Socio-economic changes had a profound and decisive influence on this debate. The Industrial Revolution that took place at the end of the 19th century changed the United States in fundamental ways. In huge numbers, people migrated from rural homes seeking economic opportunities in urban environments. The plentiful supply of labor, combined with new machinery and processes being developed made conditions ripe for an economy focused on manufacturing. For the first time, there was an alternative to agriculture and commerce as a means of livelihood. At the same time, immigrants from all over the world flowed across the borders in pursuit of the same opportunities. In so doing, they added to the burgeoning labor pool, drove down costs and helped to push industrialization forward. Upon arriving in the cities and finding work, most of these migrants found themselves and their families at the mercy of unscrupulous businessmen who exploited them with brutal work schedules and coerced any who tried to resist, or in many cases, anyone who tried to escape. In the end, it was these sweeping economic and social changes and the pessimism they engendered that swung the balance of power in favor of the Realists and the Naturalsts.

Much of the literary product of the period had a distinctly regional character. This too could be traced to economic changes. The Industrial Revolution called for standardization, the mass production of goods, and streamlined channels of distribution. The lifestyle changes this rationalization of production entailed were profound and people began to fear that local traditions would fall by the wayside trampled in reckless pursuit of economic efficiency. Responding to these sentiments, Realist writers sought to capture and preserve the "local color" before it was lost. They drew upon the grim realities of everyday life in depicting the breakdown of traditional values and the deepening plight of the new urban underclass. This focus on the ordinary lives of ordinary people was characteristic of American Realism. Readers were attracted to the stories because they were something with which they could identify. American life was changing, the pace was quickening, and readers needed writers who dealt directly with the problems they were facing. In the great literary struggle the Romantic writers had been rendered irrelevant, vanquished by changing circumstances.

13.Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. After the Civil War, America went through a period of time filled with suffrage but also some good changes.

A.The battle among the Romantics, the Realists and the Naturalists centered on the ways in which they presented fictional characters and had profound influence on American’s social life.

B.The feature of American Realism is its’ vivid depiction of the thriving of traditional values.

C.The character in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s novel always overcame the difficulties in his life.

D.The fights first started between the Romantics and the Realists were mainly about the geographical borders.

E.Characters created by the Romantics and the Realists writers have distinct fate when they are faced with various plights.

F.Finally the Realists and the Naturalists win the battle, because folks went through the Industrial Revolution gradually recognized that they were suffering from the oppression of businessmen.

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A,正确概括了第一段从A literacy开始到本段末尾的内容,即现实主义、自然主义和浪漫主义在进行创作的时候对于现实有不同的呈现方式,并且这场“战争”对社会产生了深远的影响。正确。 B,关键词定位到第四段This focus on the ordinary lives of ordinary people was characteristic of American Realism. 美国现实主义的特点是关注底层人们的生活,而不是选项里所说的关注传统文化的兴盛。错误。 C,关键词定位到第二段Romantic writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson celebrated what they saw as the ability of the human will to triumph over any adversity.此选项意思是符合原文的,但是只是涉及到了原文中的一句话,是细节,不是概括。错误。 D,关键词定位到第一段The battle reflected far-reaching social change that was planting the seeds of new discord- a conflict that would threaten to fragment the country; this time not along geographical borders, but along class lines. 这场“战争”不是关于现实中的地理界线的,而是关于社会阶层的。错误。 E,本句正确概括了第二段大部分内容,即现实主义和浪漫主义作家笔下的人物面对困境时的结果是不同的,浪漫主义作品的主人公总可以克服困境,现实主义的主人公则饱受苦难的折磨,正确。 F,本句正确概括了第三段的内容,即现实主义和自然主义最终战胜了浪漫主义,成为了美国意识流中的主流。原因就是在工业革命后,劳动力从农村流向城市,从农业流向工业,工人阶级大量产生并且饱受资本家剥削,人们逐渐认清了苦难的现实,开始倒向同样描述生活中的苦难的现实主义和自然主义,正确。





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