University Should Close Parking Area
I think the university should close the large parking lot near the main classroom building on campus, Thomas Hall. This lot occupies a large space in the center of campus. Closing it tovehicle parking would have two big benefits. First, the space could be turned into a pleasant, grassy area. And second, since this would reduce the traffic on campus, students will bemore likely to ride their bikes or walk to classes.
Male student: So, did you see the letter George wrote to the student’s paper? What do you think of his idea?
Female student: It makes sense to me.
Male student: Really, why?
Female student: Well,it'd be an improvement to campus. For one thing, we need more green areas, wouldn’t it be great to get rid of some of the paved area and plantsome grass and trees. Then we’d have somewhere to hang out with friends and even to study when the weather's warm.
Male student: That’s true.
Female student: Right, and I agree with his other point too. Right now, there is so much traffic on a lot of the campus roads, it's hard to get across some of the streets.
Male student:It's even worse trying to get around of my bike, I finally give up.
Female student: Exactly, so parking was only available outside of the main part of the campus. More people would want to walk and ride bikes because it wouldbe easier to get around.
Male student: Hmm, I see your point. It would be easier.
The woman expresses her opinion about the student’s letter in the campus paper. Briefly summarize the proposal in the letter. Then state the woman’s opinion about the proposal, and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.