

Bankside Recruitment Agency

[01:44.36]AMBER:Hello, William, this is Amber. You said to phone if I wanted to get more Information about the job agency you mentioned. Is now a good time?
[01:56.68]WILLIAM:Hi, amber. Yes, fine. So the agency I was talking about is called Bankside.
[02:02.96]They're based in Docklands. I can tell you the address now 497 Eastside.
[02:08.49]AMBER:OK, thanks. So is there anyone in particular I should speak to there?
[02:14.49]WILLIAM:The agent I always deal with is called Becky Jamieson.
[02:18.39]AMBER:Let me write that down, Becky...
[02:21.72]WILLIAM:Jamieson, J-A-M-I-E-S-O-N.
[02:29.43]AMBER:Do you have her direct line?
[02:32.46]WILLIAM:Yes, it's in my contact somewhere. Right, here we are. 07866510333.
[02:42.71]I wouldn't call her until the afternoon if I were you.
[02:45.88]She's always really busy in the morning trying to fill last minute vacancies.
[02:50.22]She's really helpful and friendly. So I'm sure it would be worth getting in touch with her for an informal chat.
[02:56.03]AMBER:It's mainly clerical and admin jobs they deal with, isn't it?
[03:00.81]WILLIAM:That's right. I know you're hoping to find a full-time job in the media eventually,but Becky mostly recruits temporary staff for the finance sector, which will look good on your CV and generally pays better too.
[03:13.65]AMBER:Yeah, I'm just a bit worried because I don't have much office experience.
[03:19.38]WILLIAM:I wouldn't worry. They'll probably start you as a receptionist or something like that.
[03:24.10]So what's important for that kind of job isn't so much having business skills or knowing lots of different computer systems.
[03:31.49]It's communication that really matters. So you'd be fine there.
[03:35.25]And you'll pick up office skills really quickly on the job. It's not that complicated.
[03:40.00]AMBER:OK, good. So how long do people generally need temporary staff for?
[03:46.23]It would be great if I could get something lasting at least a month.
[03:50.49]WILLIAM:That shouldn't be too difficult, but you're more likely to be offered something for a week at first, which might get extended.
[03:56.98]It's unusual to be sent somewhere for just a day or two.
[03:59.90]AMBER:Right. I've heard the pay isn't too bad. Better than working in a shop or a restaurant.
[04:06.78]WILLIAM:Oh, yes. Definitely. The hourly rate is about 10 pounds, 11 if you're lucky.
[04:11.80]AMBER:That's pretty good. I was only expecting to get 8 or 9 pounds an hour.
[04:58.63]WILLIAM:Do you want me to tell you anything about the registration process?
[05:02.28]AMBER:Yes, please. I know you have to have an interview.
[05:06.43]WILLIAM:The interview usually takes about an hour, and you should arrange that about a week in advance.
[05:11.08]AMBER:I suppose I should dress smartly. If it's for office work, I can probably borrow a suit from Mum.
[05:18.50]WILLIAM:Good idea. It's better to look too smart than too casual.
[05:22.68]AMBER:Will I need to bring copies of my exam certificates or anything like that?
[05:28.12]WILLIAM:No, they don't need to see those. I don't think.
[05:30.47]AMBER:What about my passport?
[05:32.81]WILLIAM:Oh, Yes. They will ask to see that.
[05:36.06]WILLIAM:I wouldn't get stressed about the interview there.
[05:38.64]It's just a chance for them to build relationships with you so they can try and match you to a job which you like.
[05:44.31]So there are questions about personality that they always ask candidates fairly basic ones.
[05:50.55]And they probably won't ask anything too difficult, like what your plans are for the future.
[05:55.70]AMBER:Hope not.
[05:57.90]WILLIAM:Anyway, there are lots of benefits to using an agency.
[06:01.74]For example, the interview will be useful because they'll give you feedback on your performance. So you can improve next time.
[06:08.63]AMBER:And they'll have access to jobs which aren't advertised.
[06:12.63]WILLIAM:Exactly. Most temporary jobs aren't advertised.
[06:16.48]AMBER:And I expect finding a temporary job this way takes a lot less time.
[06:21.85]It's much easier than ringing up individual companies.
[06:25.83]WILLIAM:Yes, indeed, Well, I think I've covered it……

Question 1-10

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Bankside Recruitment Agency

• Address of agency: 497 Eastside, Docklands

• Name of agent: Becky

• Phone number: 07866 510333

• Best to call her in the 

Typical jobs

• Clerical and admin roles, mainly in the finance industry

• Must have good skills

• Jobs are usually for at least one 

• Pay is usually £ per hour

Registration process

• Wear a  to the interview

• Must bring your to the interview

• They will ask questions about each applicant’s

Advantages of using an agency

• The you receive at interview will benefit you

• Will get access to vacancies which are not advertised

• Less is involved in applying for jobs


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