abate = a(不) + bate(打) = 不再打击→减轻[痛苦]等
amnesia = a(不) + mnes(记忆) + ia(病) = 记忆缺失
aerobic = aero(空气) + bio(生物) + ic(…的) = 存活生命的空气→有氧的
amphibioan = amphi(双重类型的) + bio(生物) + an(名词后缀) = 双重类型的生物→两栖动物
acoustic = acous(听) + tic(形容词) = 有关听的→声学的
aesthetic = aesthe(感觉) + tic(形容词) = 对美有感觉的→审美的
But the ones synthesized through abiotic processes, which is to say not involving microorganisms, occur in equal numbers of right- and left-handed.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL30 L3adj. 无生命的;非生物的
On the earth's surface the artificial divisions that we have made between living and non-living, biotic and abiotic, organic and inorganic, are not only false but mischievous.
But the ones synthesized through abiotic processes, which is to say not involving microorganisms, occur in equal numbers of right- and left-handed.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL30 L5The relative roles that abiotic and biotic factors play in the distribution of organisms is especially important now, when the world is confronted with the consequences of a growing human population.
来源于:阅读EXTRA1 P1[ˌeɪbaɪˈɑtɪk]
基本释义 adj.无生命的;非生物的
常考释义 adj.无生命的;非生物的
On the earth's surface the artificial divisions that we have made between living and non-living, biotic and abiotic, organic and inorganic, are not only false but mischievous.
acoustic adj. 声的;声学的
acous听+tic形容词 =有关听的→声学的
aesthetic adj. 审美的;美学的
aesthe感觉+tic...的 =对美有感觉的→审美的
aesthetically adv. 审美地
aesthe感觉+tic的+ally地 =有感受力地->审美地
north-easterly adj.在东北的;向东北的;朝东北的
north北+easterly东方的 = 在东北的;向东北的
lithium n.锂
lith石头+ium金属元素 = 锂
stimulus n. 刺激
stimul刺激+us表名词 = 刺激物