Listen to a conversation between two students.
(man) How's it going, Marie? Weren't you away this past weekend?
(woman) Yeah, I flew out to see my family in Boston for the weekend, just got back from the airport actually. What a mess! My flight was delayed several hours cause of the bad weather.
(man) Oh, yeah, there was that big storm out East, huh?
(woman) Right, so I was at the airport like all night waiting for my flight to leave. I was supposed to arrive back to campus last night, but, instead, I got in early this morning.(man) You must be exhausted.
(woman) I am. I hardly got any sleep, just a short nap on the plane. And I am supposed to, I can't believe it, I am supposed to give a presentation in my history class today, an hour from now.
(man) What kind of presentation?
(woman) It's a ten-minute presentation on a paper I wrote. And then there's an answer, a question-and-answer session afterward, where the professor and other students ask me questions about my history paper and stuff.
(man) Well, I bet if you told your professor what happened, how the flight was delayed and you didn’t get an y sleep, I bet your professor would let you do the presentation on a different day.
(woman) Yeah, she’d probably let me reschedule. I just don’t know if I want to put it off. I’ve got a lot of other stuff coming up, big assignments.
(man) Oh!
(woman) I could just give the presentation today, I mean, I did prepare a lot for it last week. So, I don’t know, maybe I should just grab a cup of coffee or something and go through with it.
(man) Well, if you feel OK with that.
(woman) Well, I’m definitely tired. I wouldn’t be as quick or sharp as I normally am but I’ve got an hour to go over my notes and the coffee should help wake me up.