
Using the example from the lecture, define cyclic population change and explain how it works.

Cyclic Population Change
As species interact, predator and prey populations within an ecosystem change in size. These changes form a repeating cycle in which population numbers increase and decrease then eventually return to their original size. Then the cycle starts again. This phenomenon, known as cyclic population change, creates an important balance within the ecosystem.During the cycle, small, struggling populations are able recover and grow in size. At the same time, large populations of species are prevented from becoming too large. In this manner, the process of cyclic population change keeps the size of both predator and prey populations in effective biological balance.


Okay, let’s look at an environment with say, wolves and mice. Now of course, the wolves are the predators and the mice are the prey. Because wolves eat mice. For now, let’s ignore outside factors - like climate change for example. And just look at how the populations of these two species are um, are affected by each other. It might be helpful to look at this process in phases. So, phase 1 - uh let’s say that we have a lotta mice, and only a few wolves. Well with so many mice around the wolves have a large food supply. And with all that food they can live longer and healthier, and they can reproduce and feed their young. So, the wolf population will grow, right? But now, there are more wolves, all eating mice, so the mice population starts to decline, since more mice are getting eaten. So we arrive at phase 2: a lotta wolves, and a declining mouse population. Are you with me? I-In this stage, there are fewer mice around, which means, the wolves won’t have much food, suddenly it’s harder for them to survive, let alone to feed their young. So, the wolf population starts shrinking, therefore, eating fewer mice, and this allows the mouse population to grow! And, where are we now? Phase 3: not many wolves, but a lotta mice! Which is exactly where we started. Phase 3 is in fact equivalent to phase 1. As you see, we’ve got a repeating pattern.


Using the example from the lecture, define cyclic population change and explain how it works.

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The passage introduces a phenomenon about population change in cycle within an ecosystem. It means that population of each species will increase and decrease repeatedly. Thus keeps a population balance in an ecosystem. The processor uses an ecosystem where wolves and mice live together to explain this cycle. In the beginning, there are lots of mice but a few wolves. With abundant food, the population of wolf will grow. However, after there are too many of wolves. mice will be killed and eaten by wolves, leading to a smaller mice population. Then the wolves have less food and begin to lose their members. Finally, the number of wolves returns to the initial level. And this cycle starts again. The population change of wolves and mice provides detailed example to the phenomenon in the passage.




