[01:21.17]JACINTA:Hello, Easy Life Cleaning Services, Jacinta speaking.
[01:25.26]CLIENT:Oh hello. I’m looking for a cleaning service for my apartment – do you do domestic cleaning?
[01:31.95]CLIENT:Well, it’s just a one-bedroom flat. Do you have a basic cleaning package?
[01:37.38]JACINTA:Yes. For a one-bedroom flat we’re probably looking at about two hours for a clean.
[01:43.65]So we’d do a thorough clean of all surfaces in each room, and polish them where necessary.
[01:49.22]Does your apartment have carpets?
[01:51.39]CLIENT:No, I don’t have any, but the floor would need cleaning.
[01:55.17]JACINTA:Of course – we’d do that in every room. And we’d do a thorough clean of the kitchen and bathroom.
[02:02.00]JACINTA:Then we have some additional services which you can request if you want – so for example, we can clean your oven for you every week.
[02:10.58]CLIENT:Actually, I hardly ever use that, but can you do the fridge?
[02:15.01]JACINTA:Sure. Would you like that done every week?
[02:18.00]CLIENT:Yes, definitely. And would ironing clothes be an additional service you can do?
[02:23.60]JACINTA:Yes, of course.
[02:24.66]CLIENT:It wouldn’t be much, just my shirts for work that week.
[02:28.45]JACINTA:That’s fine. And we could also clean your microwave if you want.
[02:32.51]CLIENT:No, I wipe that out pretty regularly so there’s no need for that.
[02:37.15]JACINTA:We also offer additional services that you might want a bit less often, say every month.
[02:43.28]So for example, if the inside of your windows need cleaning, we could do that.
[02:47.96]CLIENT:Yes, that’d be good. I’m on the fifteenth floor, so the outside gets done regularly by specialists, but the inside does get a bit grubby.
[02:57.40]JACINTA:And we could arrange for your curtains to get cleaned if necessary.
[03:00.96]CLIENT:No, they’re OK. But would you be able to do something about the balcony?
[03:05.94]It’s quite small and I don’t use it much, but it could do with a wash every month or so.
[03:11.70]JACINTA:Yes, we can get the pressure washer onto that.
[03:55.54]JACINTA:Now if you’re interested, we do offer some other possibilities to do with general maintenance.
[04:01.25]For example, if you have a problem with water and you need a plumber in a hurry, we can put you in touch with a reliable one who can come out straightaway.
[04:10.55]And the same thing if you need an electrician.
[04:13.58]CLIENT:Right. That’s good to know. I’ve only just moved here so I don’t have any of those sorts of contacts.
[04:20.99]JACINTA:And I don’t know if this is of interest to you, but we also offer a special vacuum cleaning system which can improve the indoor air quality of your home by capturing up to 99% of all the dust in the air.
[04:34.15]So if you’re troubled by allergies, this can make a big difference.
[04:38.02]CLIENT:Right. In fact, I don’t have that sort of problem, but I’ll bear it in mind. Now can you tell me a bit about your cleaning staff?
[04:46.25]JACINTA:Of course. So all our cleaners are very carefully selected.
[04:50.72]When they apply to us, they have to undergo a security check with the police to make sure they Q8 don’t have any sort of criminal background, and, of course, they have to provide references as well.
[05:02.23]Then if we think they might be suitable for the job, we give them training for it.
[05:06.87]That lasts for two weeks so it’s very thorough, and at the end of it, they have a test.
[05:12.26]If they pass that, we take them on, but we monitor them very carefully – we ask all our clients to complete a review of their performance after every visit and to email it to us.
[05:23.77]So we can pick up any problems straightaway and deal with them.
[05:27.30]CLIENT:OK, well that all sounds good. And will I always have the same cleaner?
[05:33.37]JACINTA:Yes, we do our best to organise it that way, and we usually manage it.
[05:38.01]CLIENT:Good. That’s fine. Right, so I’d like to go ahead and ...
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD for each answer.
Easy Life Cleaning Services
Basic cleaning package offered
Additional services agreed
− Cleaning the 2
− Ironing clothes– 3 only
− Cleaning all the 4 from the inside
− Washing down the 5
Other possibilities
Information on the cleaners