[01:32.84]CLERK:Conference Centre Reservations.
[01:35.65] Good morning.
[01:37.55] I'm interested in the computing conference next month.
[01:41.80]CLERK:Future Directions in Computing?
[01:43.26]WOMAN:Yes, that's right.
[01:44.59] Could I ask you a few questions about it?
[01:47.63]CLERK:Of course.
[01:49.73] I know the conference is for three days but actually I want to attend on the Friday and Saturday only.
[01:57.66] Will that work out to be any cheaper?
[01:59.93]CLERK:Let me have a look.
[02:01.45] Well, you could register for the two days separately, but that wouldn’t actually save you very much as it still costs £35 for each day.
[02:11.63] In fact, if you could register for the three days, you also get an invitation to a free dinner on the Saturday night, so that's probably the better option.
[02:20.63]WOMAN:Right, I'll do that.
[02:22.63] How much will the fees be in that case?
[02:25.55]CLERK:It's £75.
[02:27.55]WOMAN:All right.
[02:28.69] I’d like to register for the full three days.
[02:31.83] Now, can I pay that by credit card?
[02:34.86]CLERK:I’m afraid not.
[02:35.94] You’ll have to send a cheque to us, or you can pay at the conference office.
[02:41.13] So it's probably easiest if I pay by cheque.
[02:44.86] Now then, what else do I need to arrange?
[02:48.52] Right.
[02:48.52] How about accommodation?
[02:51.46] I guess that's not included in the price?
[02:54.16]CLERK:No, I'm sorry, it's not, but we do have a few rooms available for delegates at the conference centre if you’d like.
[03:00.75] Those are very cheap but if you’re interested you’ll need to book soon, because there’s always a heavy demand for them.
[03:06.97] They are only £15 per night, but they are very basic and you’d have to get your own breakfast, because they don’t provide you with that.
[03:15.83] But it’s very convenient, because it’s in the same building as the conference rooms.
[03:21.50]CLERK:Or there’s a very reasonable guest house which is £25 per night.
[03:25.57] And I think that includes your breakfast.
[03:28.27]WOMAN:Is it close to the conference centre?
[03:30.66]CLERK:It would be about a ten-minute walk away from here.
[03:34.33]WOMAN:I see.
[03:35.55] That sounds quite reasonable.
[04:14.80]CLERK:The details are all in our conference pack, which I’ll send you.
[04:18.44]WOMAN:Great, thanks.
[04:20.80] That'll be very useful.
[04:21.64] Oh, and can you also send me an application form?
[04:25.51]CLERK:Of course.
[04:26.26] I'll get that in the post to you straight away.
[04:28.70] Is there anything else?
[04:30.35]WOMAN:Yes, actually.
[04:32.20] Can you tell roe where exactly the conference centre is?
[04:36.29]CLERK:Well, it’s on South Park Road and it’s right at the end of the road next to the library.
[04:41.54] It's a ten-minute taxi ride from the station and will cost you £5.
[04:46.30] Otherwise, you can take the bus which runs every half an hour from the station - that's the 21A - and it brings you straight to the conference centre.
[04:54.82]WOMAN:Right, got that.
Complete the notes below.
Example Answer
Title of conference Future Directions in Computing
Three day cost: £
Payment by or on arrival
Conference Centre
•£per night
•near to conference rooms
Guest House
•£per night
•approximatelywalk from Conference Centre
Further documents to be sent:
an application form
Conference Centre is on Park Road, next to the
Taxi costs £or take bus number from station.