[03:05.40]WOMAN:Oh, hello.
[03:06.60]I wanted to enquire about hiring a room in the Village Hall, for the evening of September the first.
[03:13.80]OFFICIAL:Let me just see ...
[03:15.72]Yes, we have both rooms available that evening.
[03:20.64]There's our Main Hall - that's got seating for 200 people.
[03:25.80]Or there's the Charlton Room ...
[03:29.75]OFFICIAL:The Charlton Room - C-H-A-R L-T-O-N.
[03:36.96]That's got seating for up to one hundred.
[03:40.15]WOMAN:Well, we're organising a dinner to raise money for a charity, and we're hoping for at least 150 people, so I think we'll go for the Main Hall.
[03:53.23]How much would that cost?
[03:55.52]OFFICIAL:Let's see.
[03:56.98]You wanted it for the evening of September 1st?
[04:01.06]WOMAN:Yes, that's a Saturday.
[04:03.13]OFFICIAL:So from six pm to midnight that'd be £11.5 - that's the weekend price, it's £75 on weekdays.
[04:15.38]WOMAN:That's all right.
[04:16.99]OFFICIAL:And I have to tell you there's also a deposit of £250, which is returnable of course as long as there's no damage.
[04:26.82]But we do insist that this is paid in cash, we don't take cards for that.
[04:33.18]You can pay the actual rent of the room however you like though - cash, credit card, cheque ...
[04:41.19]WOMAN:Oh, well I suppose that's OK.
[04:43.73]So does the charge include use of tables and chairs and so on?
[04:49.66]OFFICIAL:Oh, yes.
[04:50.65]WOMAN:And what about Parking?
[04:53.39]OFFICIAL: Yeah.
[04:54.09]that's all included.
[04:55.69]The only thing that isn't included is ...
[04:59.10]you said you were organising a dinner?
[05:02.58]OFFICIAL:Well, you'll have to pay extra for the kitchen if you want to use that.It's £25.
[05:09.47]It's got very good facilities - good quality cookers and fridges and so on.
[05:15.23]WOMAN:OK, well I suppose that's all right.
[05:18.75]We can cover the cost in our entry charges.
[05:22.95]SO I'll make a note of that.
[05:24.99]Now there are just one or two things you need to think about before the event.
[05:31.51]For example, you'll have to see about getting a licence if you're planning to have any music during the meal.
[05:38.73]WOMAN:Oh, really?
[05:39.66]OFFICIAL:It's quite straightforward, I'll give you the details later on.
[05:43.99]And about a week or ten days before your event you'll need to contact the caretaker, that's Mr Evans, to make the arrangements for entry - he'll sort that out with you.
[05:57.40]WOMAN:And do I give him the payment as well?
[06:00.11]OFFICIAL:NO, you do that directly with me.
[06:42.55]NOW is there anything I need to know about what happens during the event?
[06:47.25]OFFICIAL:Well, as you'll be aware, of course the building is no smoking throughout.
[06:53.00]WOMAN:Of course.
[06:54.20]OFFICIAL:NOW, are you having a band?
[06:57.47]OFFICIAL:Well, they'll have a lot of equipment, so rather than using the front door they should park their van round the back and use the stage door there.
[07:07.26]You can open that from inside but don't forget to lock it at the end.
[07:13.36]OFFICIAL:And talking of bands, I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, but you must make sure that no one fiddles about with the black box by the fire door - that's a system that cuts in when the volume reaches a certain level.
[07:29.17]It's a legal requirement.
[07:31.80]Anyway, we want people to be able to talk to one another so we don't want anything too loud.
[07:37.97]Oh, that reminds me, we'll be having speeches - are there any microphones available?
[07:45.87]Just let the caretaker know, he'll get those for you.
[07:49.52]Right, now when the event is over we do ask that the premises are left in good condition.
[07:56.60]So there's a locked cupboard and you'll be informed of the code you need to open that.
[08:03.15]It's got all the cleaning equipment, brushes and detergent and so on.
[08:09.97]So what do we need to do after everyone's gone?
[08:13.96]Sweep the floors I suppose?
[08:16.30]OFFICIAL:Well, actually they have to be washed, not just swept.
[08:20.70]Then you'll be provided with black plastic bags, so all the rubbish must be collected up and left outside the door.
[08:29.16]WOMAN:Of course.
[08:30.33]We'll make sure everything's left tidy.
[08:33.30]Oh, and I forgot to ask, I presume we can have decorations in the room?
[08:39.30]OFFICIAL: Yes, but you must take them down afterwards.
[08:43.59]OFFICIAL:And the chairs and tables should be stacked up neatly at the back of the room.
[08:49.15]WOMAN:I'll make sure I've got a few people to help me.
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
· the Main Hall - seats 200
Room and cost
· the Room - seats 100
· Cost of Main Hall for Saturday evening: £ + £250 deposit payment is required)
· Cost includes use of tables and chairs and also
· Additional charge for use of the kitchen: £25
Before the event
· Will need a licence
· Need to contact caretaker (Mr Evans) in advance to arrange
During the event
· he building is no smoking
· The band should use the door at the back
· Don't touch the system that controls the volume
· For microphones, contact the caretaker
After the event
· Need to know the for the cleaning cupboard
· The must be washed and rubbish placed in black bags
· All must be taken down
· Chairs and tables must be piled up