
托福official39口语task3 Start a Ride-sharing Program题目答案+范文音频

Start a Ride-sharing Program
Students who live off-campus often get to campus by car. I propose that the university create a student ride-sharing program, where students who live in the same area would form groups of four with each group driving to campus together in one car. The ride-sharing program would benefit students as well as the environment. For the students, they would save money by driving to campus in groups instead of separately. And since there would be fewer cars going and coming from campus, there would be a positive impact on the environment.

Jim Sears


Now listen to two students discussing the letter.

M: Ellen, you drive to campus, right? Did you see this letter in the paper today?

W: Yeah, I did. I think it makes a lot of sense, so it'd be great if the university starts something like that.

M: OK...

W: Well, now I drive to campus all by myself and buy gas now and then. It isn't much each time I fill the tank, but it adds up.

M: I'm sure.

W: So, a program like that would really help students. They'd spend less on gas and it’s not just gas either. It’s also the wear and tear on the car. I mean the more you use a car going back and forth all the time, the more you have to do maintenance and repairs.

M: Right, but do you think the program would have that other benefit?

W: I do because there have been a lot more people coming into this city, so there's much more traffic now than before and all the carbon dioxide that comes from all those cars on the road is polluting the environment more and more.

M: So, with this program...

W: Right. There'd be less carbon dioxide pouring out into the air and this would reduce environmental pollution and the air quality would certainly improve.


The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state her opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

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The letter supposes that university should start a car-sharing program which refers to several students share one car when they need to go to college and return. One reason given by the letter is students can save money by sharing the car-ride. Also, it will be good for the environment because ride-sharing can reduce the frequency of vehicle using. The woman thinks it is a great idea and she explains the benefits in detail. First, she says students will spend less on gas and the wear and tire of car if they can share cars together. Second, she thinks that this change can reduce the traffic. As a result, less carbon dioxide will be pour into air. So the pollution will also decrease and air quality will become better.





