A permit is required for all students who park a vehicle on the main campus during the day or evening, Monday through Friday. Parking permits can be purchased from the Cashier’s Office and picked up at the Security Office on the first floor of Building 21. Students must park in the new parking lot near the east entrance.
Quarterly parking permits cost $50 for full-time students and $40 for part-time students. Annual permits are $120 and are sold Fall Quarter only. Owners of vehicles without a valid parking pepermit may purchase a daily parking permit for $3 at the pay station located at the east entrance.
W: So, Julian, are you all ready to start another year?
M: Almost. I’ve still got to get a parking permit, but Iwas a little shocked to seehow much they cost this year. Last year it was only thirty-five dollars a quarter to park on campus, but now it’s fifty! That’s a big increase. The annual permits went up too.
W: That’s probably because the college built that big new parking lot.
M: Yeah, and they’re making the students pay for it. The faculty and staff can park on campus for free— and they get to park next to the main building in the old lot—but we have to park in the new lot. And we’re hit with a big fee increase. It’s not fair!
W: I’m glad I take the bus.
M: I don’t even understand why they had to build that new parking lot. It’s bigger than they really need, and it’s so far away from everything. It takes a long time to walk from the parking lot to where most of the classrooms are. And they want us to pay more for the privilege!
The man expresses his opinion about parking on campus. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.