I often visit houses and apartments where my friends are living, and there is one apartment that impressed me quite a lot. It is a fairly small apartment instead of a big and luxury house.
The owner of this apartment is one of my friends, who is working in the same city as me. We sometimes hang out together, and therefore I visited his apartment last weekend. It is the one located in suburb of the city, a little bit far away from the subway stations and bus stops. Thus, what my friend can enjoy in his apartment is pure quietness.
Walking into his apartment, I was totally shocked due to what I saw there. It is an apartment with only two rooms, a bedroom and a study. There is no living room, no kitchen and no bathroom. Of course, there are public ones that he could use and he had to share with many others. His bedroom is really small, fully filled with a single bed. Moreover, his study is also small with quite many books. In the centre of his study there is a desk and a chair. No other furniture exists in his study at all. It is the perfect space for a book worm.
To be frank, I do not really like an apartment like this, which seems like a study not a home. In fact, home is the place quite private, and whether I like it or not is not important at all. As to my friend, he loves his apartment simply because he gets what he likes. In his opinion, what he needs is a small bed where he sleeps and enough space where he reads. That is why I thought this apartment impresses me deeply as it is far from the home in my imagination.