

Art and Craft Workshops

[01:42.50]MAN:Good morning, Synmouth Museum.
[01:45.19]Can I help you?
[01:46.11]WOMAN:Oh yes.
[01:48.00]Good morning.
[01:48.91]Tm interested in the children's workshops and I'd like a little more information, please.
[01:53.75]MAN:Do you mean the Art and Craft workshops?
[01:56.98]A friend of a friend mentioned them - the children do painting and make models and so forth.
[02:02.30]MAN:Yes, of course.
[02:03.95]Um, where to begin?
[02:06.65]First of all, as you probably know, they run every Saturday.
[02:12.60]And what about ages?
[02:14.38]MAN:Well, all ages from five upwards are welcome, though we do ask that children below eight years of age arc accompanied by an adult.
[02:23.99]That wouldn't be a problem.
[02:25.44]What about cost?
[02:27.20]MAN:Well, I think you'll find them very reasonable.
[02:30.86]It's £2.50 a child, with 80 pence off for two or more children from the same family.
[02:37.30]WOMAN:Oh yes, very reasonable.
[02:39.61]And arc they held in the main museum?
[02:42.16]MAN:Not exactly.
[02:44.70]They're nearby.
[02:45.16]WOMAN:Could you give me the full address?
[02:47.82]I don't know the area very well.
[02:49.83]MAN:Yes, it’s Winter House.
[02:54.33]MAN:And that's in Tamer Street.
[02:58.27]WOMAN:Could you spell that please?
[03:00.50]MAN:Yes, T-A-M-E-R Street.
[03:07.77]MAN:And I do need to tell you that there's a security entrance, so you need to press the green button for someone to let you in.
[03:15.91]Don't press the red button please, but don't worry, it's all clearly labelled.
[03:22.28]And one more question - is parking available nearby?
[03:26.33]We're driving in from out of town.
[03:28.36]MAN:Your best bet is to leave your car at the back of the library-on a Saturday morning there are plenty of spaces there.
[03:36.71]It’s right next door to the museum.
[03:38.83]WOMAN:And can I ask about booking places?
[03:42.38]MAN:Yes, and I must tell you, you really should book by calling the education department here.
[03:49.21]WOMAN:Oh, I’m sorry, should I have rung them instead of the main museum number?
[03:54.74]MAN:No, that's fine this time, please don't worry.
[03:57.89]But for future reference, I'll give you the direct number.
[04:01.32]It’s two hundred-seven-six-five.
[04:05.20]WOMAN:Great, I've got that.
[04:38.58]MAN:But I'm very happy to give you information about the next two workshops.
[04:43.23]On Saturday the 16th there's Building Castles.
[04:48.35]WOMAN:Oh, sounds great!
[04:50.19]MAN:This involves quite a bit of glue, so just make sure the kids are in old clothes.
[04:55.86]WOMAN:I know, ones I don't mind getting mucky.
[05:00.70]And if possible, could you bring along bottle tops which the children might be able to use in the models, you know, as decoration?
[05:07.98]WOMAN:We’ll certainly try to find some for you.
[05:10.57]MAN:Then the following week...
[05:13.14]WOMAN:That’ll be the 23rd, won’t it?
[05:15.58]MAN:Yes, that's right.
[05:17.42]On that day, it’s what we call Undersea Worlds.
[05:21.38]This is where they make scenes with fishes, underground caverns and so on.
[05:26.35]WOMAN:Is that likely to get very dirty?
[05:29.10]Lots of paint splashes?
[05:30.63]MAN:Not really, so we don't recommend any special clothes for that one .
[05:35.10]But if you could search out some silver paper to bring along to use in the sessions, you know, it's shiny - it looks like water, that'd be great.
[05:44.10]WOMAN:Yes, of course.
[05:45.39]We'll see what we can come up with.
[05:47.70]Well, thank you ever so much for all your help.
[05:50.51]The sessions sound really good and I'll certainly book up for the next two.
[05:56.39]Thanks very much for ringing.

Question 6-10

Complete the tables below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Next two workshops


Workshop title

Children advised to wear:

Please bring (if possible):




(Nothing special)

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