Okay, so that's how the arctic ground squirrel's able to cope in this extreme environment.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL49 L3n. 北极;北极地区
In their model simulations, they artificially removed all Arctic sea ice at the beginning of June for selected years and examined if the ice would recover from such extreme event.
Ok, so, today we’re going to talk about the Arctic, ozone depletion and snowflakes.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL52 L5So the question I want to look at today concerns the use of ceramic cooking vessels, clay pots, in the Arctic during ancient times.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL45 L6And in the Arctic, ceramic cooking pots didn't appear there until some 2,500 years ago.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL45 L6In fact, what's been something of a mystery is why they were used at all, in the Arctic, I mean. Ken?
来源于:听力OFFICIAL45 L6So in regions of the Arctic where wood was scarce, and where the houses could not withstand large fires and did not have good ventilation, we do find advantages associated with ceramic pots.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL45 L6Although marine botanist W. A. Setchell suggested early on that temperature was critical to the growth and reproduction of eelgrass, it has since been shown that this particularly widespread seagrass grows and reproduces at temperatures between 2 and 4 degrees Celsius in the Arctic and at temperatures up to 28 degrees Celsius on the northeastern coast of the United States.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL44 P3Second, most of the precipitation in the Arctic is in the form of snow.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL9 L3Once is established, shrub land thrives, particularly in the Arctic, because Arctic shrubs are good at taking advantage of increased nutrients in the soil, better than other Arctic plants.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL9 L3Searching for the Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific in 1818, Sir John Ross had lowered his "deep-sea clam"—a sort of bivalved sediment scoop-into the water of Baffin Bay ( an inlet between the Atlantic and Arctic oceans), which the determined to be more than a thousand fathoms deep in some places.
John Ross爵士在1818年探索从大西洋到太平洋的西北航道中,把他的测量工具deep-sea clam——一种双壳沉淀的勺子——深入到巴芬湾(大西洋和北冰洋的入口)里,深度超过了一千英寻。
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL36 P2The presence of mammal species that require grassland vegetation has led Arctic biologist Dale Guthrie to argue that while cold and dry, there must have been broad areas of dense vegetation to support herds of mammoth, horse, and bison.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL45 P1Yes. So the question is, given all these clear disadvantages, why would Arctic people choose to make and use ceramic cooking vessels? Sue?
来源于:听力OFFICIAL45 L6But the ancient Arctic people ate a diet that consisted almost entirely of raw or only minimally cooked meat and fish or shellfish.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL45 L6Although the diet of ancient Arctic people mainly consisted of raw and minimally cooked food, it was carefully prepared.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL45 L6They’re found all over the northeastern United States and all through Canada and Alaska, even inside the Arctic Circle.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL18 L6Now since the temperatures have been increasing in Arctic Alaska, the growth of shrubs has increased.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL9 L3So since we're on the topic of global climate change and its effects, in Alaska, in the northern Arctic part of Alaska, over the last ... oh... thirty years or so, temperatures have increased about half a degree Celsius per decade, and scientists have noticed that there’s been a change in surface vegetation during this time.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL9 L3adj. 北极的;极寒的
The bathroom, with its ancient facilities, is positively arctic.
Okay, so that's how the arctic ground squirrel's able to cope in this extreme environment.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL49 L5Yeah. What happens is that the cold arctic air blows across the lake from the north in winter.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL24 L4['ɑrktɪk]
基本释义 adj. 北极的
常考释义 n.北极;北极地区
In their model simulations, they artificially removed all Arctic sea ice at the beginning of June for selected years and examined if the ice would recover from such extreme event.
north-easterly adj.在东北的;向东北的;朝东北的
north北+easterly东方的 = 在东北的;向东北的
lithium n.锂
lith石头+ium金属元素 = 锂
stimulus n. 刺激
stimul刺激+us表名词 = 刺激物