
Summarise the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on the specific points made in the reading passage.

Directions: You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
Summarise the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on the specific points made in the reading passage.
Sucralose is an artificial sweetener that is used in place of natural sugar. Many people use sucralose as a substitute for sugar to control their weight. However, there may be several health risks associated with sucralose. Also, it is not clear whether sucralose actually helps people lose weight. First, researchers in Australia did studies on rats and discovered that sucralose consumption caused shrinking of the thymus in rats. The thymus is an organ that is crucial to maintaining a healthy immune system; in humans it is particularly active in childhood. If sucralose has similar effects on humans, then long-term use of sucralose could cause harm to the immune system, especially in children. Second, sucralose is created by replacing some of the atoms in natural sugar molecules with chlorine. This means sucralose belongs to a group of chemicals called organochlorines, which is another cause for concern. Organochlorines are known to be toxic to plants and animals, including humans. Some organochlorines are even used as pesticides. Sucralose is chemically similar to these toxic chemicals, so there may be a risk of poisoning if sucralose builds up in human body tissue (in fat tissue, for example). Third, substituting artificial sweeteners for real sugar in coffee, tea, and soft drinks often does not help people lose weight, since it reinforces the habit of enjoying sweet food. When people use artificial sweeteners in their drinks, their appetite for sugar remains strong, and they satisfy their sweetness cravings by eating greater portions of foods containing real sugar, such as cakes or cookies. Such eating habits can prevent them from achieving their goal of losing weight.

Many studies have found sucralose to be perfectly safe for people to consume. And it is useful for people who are trying to lose weight. The reading’s arguments against using sucralose can all be changed.

First, about sucralose affecting the thymus. If you look closely at the studies of sucralose consumption, there were no effects on the rats at all until they were eating extremely large quantities of sucralose. In order for a human to eat the equivalent amounts that affected the rats being studied, a human would have to consume about 4000 packets of sucralose per day for a month.

Second, sure, some organ chlorines are toxic. If they are consumed, they are digested and stored in fat tissue, and they continue to build up in the fat tissues till they reach toxic levels. But studies show sucralose is a bit different from the other organ chlorines. Sucralose is not absorbed by the digestive system very well and so it does not accumulate in the body’s fat tissue. Since sucralose is not absorbed well by the digestive system and doesn’t build up to dangerous levels in fat tissue, it is unlikely to have the toxic effect that the other organ chlorines do.

Finally, there is the argument that many people who use artificial sweeteners in their drinks end up eating lots of real sugar in food like cake, and so they negate the benefits of using the sweetener. Well, that argument may hold true for many artificial sweeteners but sucralose has a unique property that makes it different. Most artificial sweeteners break down if they are heated too much, but sucralose does not break down when heated. That means that unlike other sweeteners, sucralose can be used to bake things, like cakes and cookies, for example. People craving something sweet can turn to cakes or cookies baked with sucralose, which helps them keep their diets on track.

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