Now listen to two students discussing the letter.
Woman: Did you read that letter in the paper?
Man: Sure, and though she's right about the problems, I don't think what she proposes will do much good.
Woman: Really?
Man: Yeah. Take her first suggestion: I mean, have you seen the health center
Woman: Of course! Why?
Man: Well…it's tiny, right?. It suffers from lack of space, so, unless they build more treatment rooms or offices or something…
Woman: Oh, I see…
Man: And also, her second suggestion.
Woman: It seems like that'll help things out…
Man: Well…not necessarily…I mean…think about it. A lot of students aren't even here on the weekends.
Woman: That's true.
Man: They leave town and get away; there's not a lot of people here.
Woman: Yeah, like me, I got home probably…at least twice a month.
Man: Right, and a lot of us leave campus for the weekend even more often than that. So there's just not a lot of demand for treatment then. See what I mean?