[00:00.00]Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a university employee.
[00:05.64]Employee: Oh, hello ... can I help you?
[00:07.77]Student: Um ... yeah ... I’m looking for Professor Kirk; is she here? [00:12.57]I mean is this her office?
[00:14.04]Employee: Yes, you're in the right place-Professor Kirk’s office is right behind me but no ... she's not here right now.
[00:20.00]Student: Um, do you know when she'll be back?
[00:22.42]Employee: Well, she’s teaching all morning. [00:23.97]She won’t be back until... let me check ... hmm, she won’t be back until... after lunch. [00:29.09]That’s when she has her office hours. [00:31.12]Perhaps you could come back then?
[00:33.12]Student: Oh, unfortunately no. [00:35.46]I have class this afternoon. [00:37.16]And I was really hoping to talk to her today. [00:39.53]Hey, um, do you know if... she's accepting any more students into her Introduction to Biology class?
[00:45.98]Employee: You wanna know if you can take the class?
[00:48.59]Student: Yes, if she’s letting any more students sign up, I’d like, I’d like to join the class.
[00:54.22]Employee: Introduction to Biology is a very popular class, especially when she teaches it. [00:59.60]A lot of students take it.
[01:01.15]Student: Yeah, that’s why the registrar said it was full. [01:04.97]I’ve got the form the registrar gave me, um, to get her permission to take the class. [01:10.49]It's all filled out except for her signature. [01:12.44]I’m hoping she’ll let me in even though the class is full. [01:15.23]You, see, I'm a senior this year, and, uh …this’ll be my last semester, so it’s my last chance …
[01:21.06]Employee: Oh, wow, really. [01:22.25]I mean most students fulfill their science requirement the first year.
[01:26.70]Student: Well, I mean, um ... to be honest, I kept putting it off. [01:29.91]I’m not really a big fan of science classes in general, and with the labs and everything, I’ve never quite found the time.
[01:36.81]Employee: Your advisor didn’t say anything?
[01:38.77]Student: Well, to tell you the truth, she’s been after me to take a class like this for a while, but I’m double-majoring in art and journalism and so my schedule's been really tight with all the classes I gotta take, so somehow I never...
[01:51.47]Employee: Well, perhaps you could leave the form with me and I’ll see if she'll sign it for you.
[01:55.83]Student: You know, I appreciate that, but maybe I should explain the problem to her in person …I didn’t want to do it, but I guess I’ll have to send her an email.
[02:05.31]Employee: Hmm. You know, not all professors check their emails regularly-I …I'm not sure if Professor Kirk does it or not. [02:12.25]Here's an idea … why don’t you stick a note explaining your situation under her door and ask her to call you if she needs more information?
[02:21.51]Student: Hey, that's a good idea, and then I can leave the form with you-if you still don't mind.