[01:29.81]PIETER:Good morning.
[01:31.84]I'd like to open a bank account, please.
[01:34.52]If you'd like to take a seat, I’ll just get some details from you.
[01:38.15]It won’t take long.
[01:40.31]WOMAN:Is it a current account or a deposit account you wanted?
[01:44.59]PIETER:A current account.
[01:46.62]I've got the application form here then.
[01:50.50]We have different types -I see you’ve got our leaflet there.
[01:54.15]PIETER:I've decided on the one called ‘Select.’
[01:56.63]WOMAN:Right, that's fine, so, first of all, can I have your full name please?
[02:01.50]PIETER:Yes, it's Pieter Henes.
[02:03.16]That's P-I-E-T-E-R.
[02:06.50]WOMAN:Is it H-E-double N-E-S?
[02:09.25]PIETER:Uh, only one N actually.
[02:11.46]It’s a less common spelling of the name.
[02:13.33]WOMAN:Oh, right.
[02:15.30]And what's your date of birth please?
[02:17.52]PIETER:The twenty-seventh of the first, nineteen seventy-three.
[02:22.38]And will this be a joint account?
[02:24.88]PIETER:No, just myself.
[02:26.46]WOMAN:OK, fine.
[02:28.28]And where are you living, Mr Henes?
[02:32.14]WOMAN:Is that all one word?
[02:36.67]WOMAN:How long have you been at your present address?
[02:39.58]Er, is it more than two years?
[02:41.85]PIETER:Ah, just two weeks actually.
[02:43.97]I only arrived in the country a month ago.
[02:46.28]I'm from Holland.
[02:47.63]WOMAN:Oh, that's fine.
[02:48.75]But we normally ask for a previous address in that case.
[02:52.17]PIETER:Oh yes, well, it’s Rielsdorf 2.
[02:54.75]That’s R-I-E-L-S-D-O-R-F 2, Utrecht.
[03:05.75]Thank you.
[03:06.69]Do you have a daytime telephone number?
[03:09.11]PIETER:Yes, I think the number at my office is six-oh-six-two-nine-five.
[03:15.52]Um, just a minute.
[03:16.91]I’d better check.
[03:17.96]Oh, no sorry, six-one-six.
[03:21.32]I’m not used to it yet.
[03:23.50]Would you like my home number too?
[03:25.58]WOMAN:Yes please.
[03:26.19]PIETER:It's seven-nine-six-four-three-one.
[03:30.72]WOMAN:Are they both local numbers?
[04:12.38]And your occupation?
[04:14.32]PIETER:Well, I’m in Britain as a project manager, but that's not my main job.
[04:19.20]I'm an engineer by profession.
[04:21.39]WOMAN:I see.
[04:22.14]I think I’ll put that then.
[04:23.54]It’s shorter!
[04:24.72]Now we usually ask for a piece of information which we can use to check your identity, for security reasons.
[04:31.23]You know, if you phone us.
[04:33.55]PIETER:Like, erm, my wife's first name?
[04:36.20]WOMAN:Mother’s might be better.
[04:38.00]It’s less likely to be known.
[04:40.33]Hers is Siti.
[04:42.64]PIETER:Yes, S-I-T-I.
[04:45.70]It's Indonesian.
[04:47.30]And how much would you like to open your account with?
[04:50.47]We usually ask for a minimum sum of £50.
[04:53.30]That's about €75.
[04:55.35]PIETER:Well, Tm going to transfer €2.000 from my Dutch account, just till I get paid.
[05:01.32]In fact, I wanted to ask you about that.
[05:04.40]What's the best way to do it?
[05:06.80]WOMAN:It depends which bank you're with.
[05:08.15]PIETER:It’s the Fransen Bank in Utrecht.
[05:10.69]WOMAN:OK, fine.
[05:11.89]I'll check that in a minute.
[05:12.90]If we have links with them we can do a direct transfer.
[05:16.60]But it’s not a big problem either way.
[05:17.82]Um, let’s see.
[05:20.70]How often would you like to receive statements?
[05:22.56]PIETER:I haven’t really thought.
[05:24.76]Um, what's the usual thing?
[05:26.50]WOMAN:It's up to you.
[05:27.52]Some people like them weekly.
[05:28.83]PIETER:Oh, no, that’s too often.
[05:30.68]Can I have them sent, um, once a month?
[05:33.73]WOMAN:Yes, that's fine.
[05:34.77]Is there anything else?
[05:36.43]PIETER:I was thinking of registering for your internet service at some stage.
[05:40.73]WOMAN:Oh, yes.
[05:41.51]Would you like me to send you information about that?
[05:44.51]PIETER:Please, yes.
[05:45.72]WOMAN:And would you like to receive information about the bank's other services -insurance, loans, anything like that?
[05:52.26]PIETER:Hmm, I don't think so, thanks.
[05:54.22]WOMAN:That's OK then.
[05:55.96]And one last thing, if you agree...
Complete the form below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Example Answer
Application Current bank account
Type of current account: Theaccount Full name of applicant: Pieter Hence Date of birth: Joint account holder(s): No Current address: Exeter Time at current address: Previous address: Rielsdorf 2, Utrecht, Holland Telephone: work home796431 Occupation: Identity (security): Name of his Opening sum: € to be transferred from Fransen Bank, Utrecht Statements: Every Requests: Supply information about the bank's service |