What inspired the Paleolithic artists to make such beautiful art in such inaccessible places?
来源于:听力OFFICIAL3 L3adj. 旧石器时代的
They are all our Chinese ancestors dwelling in the Paleolithic age.
What inspired the Paleolithic artists to make such beautiful art in such inaccessible places?
来源于:听力OFFICIAL3 L5But, um, getting to the paintings themselves, virtually all Paleolithic cave art represents animals, and Chauvet is no exception.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL3 L5Anyway, most Paleolithic cave art depicts large herbivores.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL3 L5In any investigation of the origins of art, attention focuses on the cave paintings created in Europe during the Paleolithic era (c. 40,000-10,000 years ago) such as those depicting bulls and other animals in the Lascaux cave in France.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL53 P3Why suppose that our Paleolithic ancestors were any different?
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL53 P3Plausibly, daily existence in parts of Paleolithic Europe may not have been so hard, with an abundance of ready food and therefore the leisure time for art.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL53 P3If Paleolithic artists were simply seeking to represent the beauty of the world around them, would they not have left a far greater range of pictures—of trees, flowers, of the Sun and the stars?
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL53 P3A further question to the theory of art for art's sake is posed by the high incidence of Paleolithic images that appear not to be imitative of any reality whatsoever.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL53 P3Here we encounter some favorite animals from the Paleolithic repertoire—a pair of stout-bellied horses.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL53 P3Finally, we may doubt the notion that the Upper Paleolithic period was a paradise in which food came readily, leaving humans ample time to amuse themselves with art.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL53 P3This consideration, combined with the stark emphasis upon animals in the cave art, has persuaded some archaeologists that the primary motive behind Paleolithic images must lie with the primary activity of Paleolithic people: hunting.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL53 P3Nevertheless, for archeologists concerned with the long periods of time of the Paleolithic period there are variations in coastlines of much greater magnitude to consider.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL49 P1Today, we will be covering the Upper Paleolithic Period, which I am roughly defining as the period from 35,000 to 8,000 BC.
今天我们会讲到旧石器时代前期,这个时期时间我粗略定为公元前 35,000 年到前 8,000 年。
来源于:听力OFFICIAL17 L2The earliest discovered traces of art are beads and carvings, and then paintings, from sites dating back to the Upper Paleolithic period.
来源于:阅读OFFICIAL4 P2Anyway, most Paleolithic cave art depicts large herbivores.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL3 L5But, um, getting to the paintings themselves, virtually all Paleolithic cave art represents animals, and Chauvet is no exception.
来源于:听力OFFICIAL3 L5What inspired the Paleolithic artists to make such beautiful art in such inaccessible places?
是什么东西鼓舞了旧石器时代的艺术家在这样无法进入的地方创造出 这样精美的艺术品?
来源于:听力OFFICIAL3 L5以上图片仅供学习交流使用,版权归原作者所有,如有侵权,请与我方联系