byproduct = by(副的) + pro(向前) + duct(引导) = 顺带向前引导→副产品
improvide = im(不) + pro(向前) + vid(看) + e(动词后缀) = 没有提前准备→即兴创作
promote = pro(向前) + mote(动) = 向前推动→促进→推广
remote = re(回,翻) + mote(动) = 往回动→退回去→遥远的
abrasion = ab(表加强) + ras(刮擦) + ion(表名词) = 磨损
abstraction = abs(离去) + tract(拉) + ion(表名词) = 被拉开→抽象
aborigal = ab(表加强) + orig(开始) + al(...的) = 起源而来→原始的
additional = add(加上) + ition(表名词) + al(...的) = 加上的→附加的
But on any given day, what Schaefer can offer Is typical for today's drugs rep - a car trunk Full of promotional gifts and gadgets, a budget that could buy lunches and dinners for a small country, hundreds of free drug samples and the freedom to give a physician $200 to prescribe her new product to the next six patients who fit the drug's profile.
但是随便在哪一天,她可以提供的东西与今天的医药代表所能提供的都并无二致:满满一后备箱的促销礼品和小玩意,一份足以给一个小国家购买午 餐和晚餐的预算,几百份免费样品药,加上医生的一份特权,即接下来的六位病人里,这位医生倘若 给适用于此药疗效范畴的人开出此药,则每开一次就可以得到 200 美元。
来源于:剑雅6-Test4adj. 促销的;增进的;奖励的
Therefore no advertising or promotional material shall be included in the printed book.