accent = ac(一再) + cent(唱歌) = 着重唱→重音
accentuate = ac(一再) + cent(唱歌) + uate(表动词) = 一再唱出→强调
accredit = ac(加强) + cred(相信) + it(表动词) = 相信→认为达到标准→鉴定…为合格
accreditation = ac(加强) + cred(相信) + ity(表性质) + ate(表动词) = 加强信用→委派
agitate = ag(做) + it(...的) + ate(使) = 搅动
agitation = ag(做) + it(...的) + ate(表动词) = 搅动
accomplied = ac(加强) + com(全部) + pli(满) + ed(形容词) = 全部弄满的→技艺高超的,熟练的
accustomed = ac(使) + custom(习惯) + ed(形容词) = 习惯的,适应的
Just as a doctor calls on the full power of autocratic suggestion by insisting that patient take precisely this white capsule precisely three times a day before meals, Lozanov is categoric in insisting that suggestopedic session be conducted exactly in that manner designated, by trained and accredited suggestopedic teachers.
正如医生充分利用权威暗示的力量,坚持要求病人必须每天三次餐前服用某种白色胶囊一样,Lozanov 也坚决要求潜意识教学法按照事先指定好的方式进行,并且要由培训过的合格的教师来执行。
来源于:剑雅7-Test1adj. 经过认证的;经过鉴定的【教育】
These courses are accredited and are as equal as the courses that you would take in a regular college.
adj. (正式)委派的,委任的【政】
adj. 经过批准的;经过准许的;经过认可的